Central Omaha: 402.734.6155 4454 S 67th St Omaha, NE 68117 Fax: 402-734-6272 |
West Omaha:
531.283.5520 719 N 132nd St Omaha, NE 68154 |
Does your job need a bleed? Are you not sure what a bleed is? Please watch the videos below for further instructions. Prepare files yourself to avoid any unnecessary fees or delays. We prefer an 1/8th of an inch bleed (0.125”), a margin of ¼ of an inch for text (0.25”), 300 dpi or greater for photos, CMYK color space (not RGB), and single sheet spreads. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.
Understanding Bleed/Trim/Margin (ignore not including crop marks, we prefer crop marks included):
With Canva:
With Adobe Illustrator:
With Adobe Photoshop:
With Adobe InDesign (we prefer single sheet spreads)
Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat - CMYK, Color Correction (Rich Black), Spot Colors, Text Outlines, Preflight, 300 DPI Images, Packaging
How to setup a virtual printer on a Mac: